Friday, August 12, 2011


Well, summer is almost over. Surprisingly, I can't wait! I'll get to see my friends, I get to wear my new shool clothes, I'm goin to high school!, and I get to see my bff everyday! well, almost everyday, but you know what I mean:) Anyways, it's just good all around. Well except for the homework and I have to go to math and spanish :P oh and I have to get up early again! yay! not...

Tonight I get to go night running! with glo sticks! WOO! lol ya that will be fun:) I just hope my stupid knee will work with me its so frusturating. At the Tyler State Park we were running on a trail and I freakin tripped and fell on my knee and scraped the skin off in TWO places :\. It was not fun. Especially when I had to put peroxide on it three times! It hurt SOOO bad. But its getting better now so that's good:).

anyways I guess that's it so bye:)


Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hey everyone! So as you may have noticed i have recently changed pretty much everything about my blog and i think it looks really cool:) so ya not doin much today thank gosh yesterday we did WAY too much stuff in my opinion today we should be able to have a break. oh and i guess i havent told you guys this but our old computer stopped working so we bought a laptop which i like A LOT. but you know what's sad? i still don't have a laptop for myself :P. i really just can't believe how we only have a little more than two more months left of Junior High. wow its reall close to ending. its gone by really fast...

well i guess thats it for now

xoxo biees:)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

painting + gardening= hand cramps and sweatiness:P

Hey everyone! so ya did you know that at 9 this morning it was 68 degrees outside??? i mean its spring! why is it so hot!? ya and this morning my mom, my brother, and i had to put this weed x thing out in the garden thingy and i was sooo sweaty afterwards. and so right now i've been painting the hallway and the laundry room with my mom and my hands are CRAMPING so bad. ugh and after my little break we have to go paint the second coat in the laundry room and thankfully we'll be done for the day. oh and tomorrow im pretty excited because my mom, my brother, and my dad and i get to go to the fair and that will be pretty fun considering i haven't been in the last two years. so all of you people out there who like, or even love to garden or paint... you are INSANE. well from my view anyways. well i guess that's it...

xoxo biee:)

Friday, March 18, 2011


Hey everyone! wow its been FOREVER since i've been on blogger! sooo much has happened since ive been on here last... way too much to write here. i think i would get permanent cramps in my hands if i even attempted it lol.

Well this week is spring break and we have this really retarded test that we have to take on monday that's apparently supposed to help prepare us for high school and college when really i just think its gonna freak everyone out:/ so ya sooo not fun... i can't believe that 8th grade is almost over. next year is gonna be our freshman year of highschool, which means only four more years of school till college, hopefully lol. geez its just bee going so fast we only have the rest of march, april, and most of may till summer. i hope this summer is going to be the longest summer ever... full of my besties and bf:))))

So yesterday i got back from camping with my bffe mac! at wright patman and it was a BLAST lol so much fun and when we got back to her house we made a sparkly ghetto kite and rode our new electric scooters which are baby blue and lime green and AHMAZING lol sooo awesome!

anyways i guess thats it for now...

xoxo bieeee:)))

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So yesterday, I won my first game at solitare in a long time after like 27 tries! I was very proud of myself. And so I tried again today in Keyboarding, and guess what... I won my very first game in like six minutes!! (btw... now that I think about it... six is spelled really weird... like most words like that don't have an "x" at the end and I just think that's odd now...) huh.. anyways so I am very happy right now and I just thought that I would share this with you now that I'm done with my typing :D :D :D :D :D!!!

Anyways, I guess that's it!!

xoxo bieee :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So now that school started, I'm in a type of keyboarding class. I think that it's really supposed to be called like Career and Business or something like that but oh well. In the first six weeks we have to type. And since I already took it like two summers ago... it's pretty easy. So now I've finished three lessons when we only needed to finish two, and so now I'm typing again to tell you this... Anyways, I guess I better get off now.

xoxo, bie:)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Okay so as if the schedule wasn't bad enough... yesterday, our new school rules came in and these are what we can't wear-

1. no wind pants
2. no sweatpants
3. no sandals or open-toed shoes
4. no scrathes, rips, or tears in jeans
5. no basketball shorts
and many, many more!!!

I don't really get why any of these rules are rules... and I don't get how it makes our dress code better! I mean, why can't you wear sweatpants to school? You know like those really cute holister ones! And why can't we wear sandals? Sandals are an important part of any wardrobe. I just don't get why we can't wear them! What's wrong with any of these things? Like of few of my friends live in basketball shorts they love them so much. So now they can't wear them???? It's just really retarded... I don't really like this school so much anymore... next they'll be saying we have to wear uniforms!!! And trust me, this school is not the "uniform-type" of school!

ughhh! now that my rant is over, i guess that's it!

biiiee D:!!!